
编辑:小麦 时间:2023-02-03 20:37:48


My name is Nikola. I was born and raised in a small town in Croatia, where I grew up surrounded by nature. I was always interested in exploring the world around me and learning new things.

As a child, I was always curious and eager to learn. I was constantly asking questions and pushing myself to find answers. I was fascinated by the world of mathematics and science, and I quickly realized that these were the subjects I wanted to pursue.

In my teenage years, I was a very active student, participating in many extracurricular activities, from debate to robotics. I loved learning about the world and the people in it, and I was always looking for ways to use the knowledge I had acquired.

I was accepted into the University of Zagreb, and I studied mathematics, computer science, and physics. I was very passionate about learning and exploring new concepts, but I also wanted to make a difference in the world. This led me to pursue a master’s degree in engineering, which allowed me to use my knowledge to create innovative solutions to real-world problems.

After graduating, I moved to the United States, where I have been living and working for the past few years. I am currently working as a software engineer and I am constantly learning and developing new skills. I am also involved in many volunteer activities, and I am passionate about helping others.

My name is Nikola, and I am a software engineer, a problem solver, and a passionate learner. I am always looking for ways to use my knowledge and skills to create positive change in the world.
